% @brief LaTeX2e Resume for Kamil K Wojcicki
% @author Kamil K Wojcicki
% @url http://linux.dsplabs.com.au/?p=54
% @date Decemebr 2007
% @info Based on Latex Resume Template by Chris Paciorek
% http://www.biostat.harvard.edu/~paciorek/
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{\sc \Large Curriculum Vitae -- Thomas R. N. Jansson}
\section{\mysidestyle Personal\\Information}%\vspace{2mm}
Thomas R. N. Jansson \\
Allersgade 18, 2 tv. \\
2200 Copenhagen N \\
Denmark \\
tel: +45 29722392 \\
\href{mailto:tjansson@tjansson.dk}{tjansson@tjansson.dk} \\
I was born and raised in Copenhagen where I have liv\-ed all my life except
6 months in which I studied on the Arctic island Svalbard and currently I
am living together with my girlfriend Pernille Petersen (claissical flute
player). I have always been very interested in computers and science and
by studying physics I had the possibility to combine these two subjects.
Currently I work at Schlumberger as a geophysicist and Linux system
administator, which is a quite ideal combination in my opinion. A typical
day of work could either be spent doing wavelet extraction on seismic data
or writing a munin plugin to various services on the servers.
When I am not doing physics or computers I enjoy sports. I play badminton
once a week and fitness twice a week. Beside sports my hobbies are
photography and traveling.
\section{\mysidestyle Education} \textbf{Masters degree in geophysics from
the University of Copenhagen} (2006-2008). Thesis advisors: Klaus Mosegaard
(KU) and Trine Dahl Jensen (GEUS). Thesis title: \textit{Receiver function
modeling}. Modeling local subsurface velocity structures using multiple
diverse algorithms.
\textbf{Bachelor degree in physics from the University of Copenhagen}
(2001-2006). Thesis advisor: Tomas Bohr (DTU Physics).
Thesis title: Symmetry breaking in the free surface of rotating fluids
with high Reynolds numbers. Enrolled: September 2001
\textbf{Rysensteens Gymnasium} (1998-2001) High school. I attended a
special mathematical/physical line. Located in Copenhagen.
\textbf{Den Classenske Legatskole} (1989-1998) Municipal School.
\section{\mysidestyle Job experiences}\vspace{1mm}
\item[2009 April$\rightarrow$ ] Employed as Inversion Geophysicist at
Schlumberger in Copenhagen. I am in the NSG (North Sea Geomarket), DCS
(Data and Consulting Services) under RSS (Reservoir Seismic Services). Work
tasks include inversion of seismic and well data for clients. Beside the
geophysical work I also fill the role as Linux systems administration for
selected Linux servers. I have been maintaining both roles 50/50 since I
started. IT wise I am looking after 40 servers (and 3 NetApp's) in
Scotland, Norway and Denmark controlled with NIS and LDAP authentication.
\item[2009 January (Thomas Jansson IT)] Constructed web frontend for
the ``Shallow Water Model'' for use in teaching at the geophysical
department of University of Copenhagen. Referee: Eigil Kaas
(\href{mailto:kaas@gfy.ku.dk}{kaas@gfy.ku.dk}) and Aksel Walløe Hansen
\item[2008 August $\rightarrow$ October (Thomas Jansson IT)] Gave a one-day course
in the use of the content management system Drupal for DTM International
A/S. Subsequently employed as a consultant.
\item[2008 July (Thomas Jansson IT)] Building website for "First Workshop on Satellite Imaging
of the Arctic", see \url{www.gfy.ku.dk/~awh/satellite-imaging/}.
\item[2008 June (Thomas Jansson IT)] Constructed web frontend for
the ``Simple Meridional Energy Balance Model'' for use in teaching at the geophysical
department of University of Copenhagen. Referee: Eigil Kaas
(\href{mailto:kaas@gfy.ku.dk}{kaas@gfy.ku.dk}). see
\item[2008 January $\rightarrow$ October (Thomas Jansson IT) ] Further development of the python-
based graphical user interface, pyGravsoft. This time the program was
tested in Malaysia and included user surveys.
\item[2007 June (Thomas Jansson IT) ] A PHP/MySQL based web page for the magazine Kvant, see
\url{www.kvant.dk}. The new site has a searchable index of every
article in Kvant.
\item[2007 May (Thomas Jansson IT) ] Building a python based graphical user interface to a text
based gravimetric program called Gravsoft, see
\url{www.gfy.ku.dk/~cct/}. Referee: Professor Carl Christian Tscherning
\item[2007 May (Thomas Jansson IT)] Building a Xoops (CMS) based web page for LJ Ejendomme, see
\item[2006 August $\rightarrow$ 2009 Feburary (Thomas Jansson IT)] Unix system administrator at the Geological
Institute, University of Copenhagen. Work tasks: Normal system
administration of SUN and Linux servers as well as setting up a small Linux
cluster for sea modeling. Referee: Professor Hans Thybo,
\item[2006 July (Thomas Jansson IT)] Building and setup of a Linux based file and applications
server for Utopiarejser.
\item[2006 March (Thomas Jansson IT)] Building a web page for ``Copenhagen Global Change
Initiative'', see \url{www.klima.nbi.dk}.
\item[2006 January $\rightarrow$ ] Started a company:\textit{Thomas Jansson IT}.
I am doing consulting jobs as a programmer, system administrator, server
building and web design. In this connection I write IT articles on my blog
\item[2005 January $\rightarrow$ 2005 July ] Substitute math and physics teacher at Bjørns
international school (elementary school).
\section{\mysidestyle Courses taken}\vspace{1mm}
\item[ 6-jun-2010 $\rightarrow$ 25-jun-2010] Schlumberger DCS DeepBlue 2 -
Inversion Geophysics and Advanced Sesimic Inversion Techniques \\
This course will introduce the student to the concepts of seismic inversion and
the various methods and algorithms available. Second half covers Advanced
Sesimic Inversion Techniques.
\item[ 23-nov-2009 $\rightarrow$ 27-nov-2009] RH300 RHCE Rapid Track Course and RHCE Exam.\\
The Red Hat Certified Engineer course is designed for UNIX- and
Linux-experienced users, networking specialists, and system administrators.
This 5-day course provides intensive hands-on training on Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 5, and includes the RHCE Certification Lab Exam on day 5.
\item[7-aug-2009 $\rightarrow$ 27-sep-2009 ] Schlumberger DCS DeepBlue 1 Reservoir
Characterization course. \\
The course is designed as a basic introduction to integrated
reservoir characterization. The course content covers the fundamentals of
Petrophysics, Sonic waveforms, Borehole geology, Reservoir geology and
Seismic. Included is the practical aspects of analysis of data from
distinct sources and disciplines for characterization. Ultimately the
integration of this data and mapping for reservoir visualization. Software
used Geoframe and Petrel.
\item[ 29-jun-2009 $\rightarrow$ 03-jul-2009] Data ONTAP Fundamentals.\\
This 5-day instructor-led course introduces basic support and
administrative functions of the Data ONTAP operating system. The course
emphasizes core facts and concepts of a NetApp Storage System. The elements
of the Data ONTAP operating system covered in this course are Write
Anywhere File Layout (WAFL) file system, volumes, aggregates, qtress, and
quotas. Hands-on labs for the course focus on the basic administrative use
of Data ONTAP in NAS and IP-SAN environments.
\section{\mysidestyle Extracurricular activities}\vspace{1mm}
\item[2008 July 21 $\rightarrow$ 1 August ] Attended the ESA sponsored
summer school in Alpbach, Austria. The subject was "Sample Return from
Moon, Asteroids and Comets".
\item[2007 December $\rightarrow$ ] Editor at Kvant. Kvant is the members
magazine for ``Dansk Fysisk Selskab'', ``Astronomisk Selskab'', ``Selskabet
for Naturlærens Udbredelse'' and ``Dansk Geofysisk Forening''. 3000 copies
four times a year.
\item[2006 August $\rightarrow$ December ] Studies at UNIS, Svalbard. I
studied oceanography and remote sensing for one semester at Svalbard,
78$^\circ$ N.
\item[2001 December $\rightarrow$ 2008 June ] Editor at \emph{Gamma}.
\emph{Gamma} is student-operated magazine sponsored by the Niels Bohr
Institute. 3000 copies four times a year. Functioned as editor in chief
in several periods.
\item[2007 February $\rightarrow$ 2008 September ] Board member in the
geophysical student union.
\section{\mysidestyle Publications}
Thomas R. N. Jansson, Martin P. Haspang, Kåre H. Jensen, Pascal
Hersen, and Tomas Bohr, \textit{Polygons on a Rotating Fluid
Surface}, Physical Review Letters \textbf{96} 174502 (2006).
The article was the continued work of my bachelors project. The
article made quite a buzz and was cited in news medias such as Nature
and the New York Times. See\\
Janni Nielsen, Thomas R. N. Jansson, Carl C. Tscherning, \emph{Creating a user
interface to GRAVSOFT}, Report for Klang Valley Height Modernisation
Project, 2008.
J.Nielsen, C.C.Tscherning, T.R.N.Jansson, R.Forsberg,
\emph{Development of a Python interface to the GRAVSOFT gravity
fiel programs}, proceedings of IAG 2009 Scientific Assembly
"Geodesy for Planet Earth", Springer.
Thomas R. N. Jansson, \emph{En problemorienteret introduktion til Linux}. A
130-page guide to problem solving in Linux and open source programs. Licensed
under \textit{Open document license} can be found at \url{www.tjansson.dk/?page_id=4}
\section{ \mysidestyle Conference contributions}
R. Forsberg. T. R. N. Jansson, J. E. Nielsen, C. C. Tscherning,
\emph{Development of a Python interface to the GRAVSOFT gravity field
programs.}, IAG 2009 - Geodesy for Planet Earth, Buenos Aires
(September 2009).
D. G. Bennett, H. Changela, N. Dalcher, C. L. Goldmann, M. Heger, T.
Hiriart, T. R. N. Jansson, S. Kern, K. Motamedi, M. Petitat, G.
Sangiovanni, J. Spurmann, A. Stiegler, M. Unterberger, E. Vigren.
\emph{I. T. -- R. O. C. K. S. Comet Nuclei Sample Return Mission}, International
Astronautical Congress September 2008, Glassgow.
Tomas Bohr, Pascal Hersen, Thomas R. N. Jansson, Martin P. Haspang and K. H.
Jensen, \emph{Polygons on a Rotating Fluid Surface}, The 6th Euromech Fluid Mechanics
Conference, Stockholm (June 2006)
T.R.N. Jansson, M.P. Haspang, K.H. Jensen, P. Hersen \& T. Bohr,
\emph{Polygons on a
Rotating Fluid Surface}, Second International Symposium on Instability and
Bifurcations in Fluid Dynamics, Technical University of Denmark (August 2006)
\section{ \mysidestyle Presentations}
The following presentations was can be found on \url{www.tjansson.dk}. All the
presentation was held at the University of Copenhagen.
\item \emph{Receiver function modellering}, Geofysikdag held by ``Dansk
Geofysisk Forening'', 11 April 2008.
\item \emph{Dæmpning af seismiske bølger}, Hovedfagskollokvium, 21 December
\item \emph{Et bachelorprojekt om roterende vand}, inspirational talk for
new bachelor students, 9 November 2007.
\section{\mysidestyle Selected popular science articles}
As mentioned earlier I was the editor at Gamma for 7 years and later started at
Kvant. During this period I have written 24 small articles and news stories on
physics and technology. The articles can be found on the pages:
\url{www.kvant.dk} and \url{www.gamma.nbi.dk}. Where no other authors are
stated I am the author.
\item \emph{Review: ``Kvantespring i det 20. århundrede''}, Gamma,
fall, 2008.
\item \emph{Review: ``Insultingly stupid movie physics''}, Kvant 3,
\item \emph{Eksperiment med flydende metaller relateret til jordens
magnetfelt}, Gamma 145, 2007.
\item \emph{Ru vingeoverflade kan spare brændsel}, Gamma 141, 2006.
\item Kåre H. Jensen og Thomas R. N. Jansson, \emph{Open source programmer til
videnskabelig brug}, Gamma 140, 2005.
\item Alexandru Nicolin, Thomas R. N. Jansson og Andreas Lemark,
\emph{Interview med Nobelpristager David J. Gross}, Gamma 138, Maj 2005.
\item \emph{Review: ``Fra superstrenge til stjerner''},
Gamma 132, 2003.
\section{\mysidestyle Computer skills}\vspace{1mm}
\item[Operating systems] Advanced experience with the most flavors of Linux, Ubuntu,
Debian, CentOS, Mandriva and Rocks Cluster Linux. Experienced with Sun
Solaris 5.7 $\rightarrow$ 5.9, Microsoft Windows and to some extent Mac OS
X which is very *nix like.
\item[Servers and databases] Apache2, munin, openssh, subversion, NFS, CUPS, MySQL.
\item[CMF, CMS and CMS-like systems] Xoops, Wordpress, Drupal, Limesurvey.
\item[Programming, scripting and markup languages] Python, Bash and
tcsh (daily). PHP, \LaTeXe, HTML, CSS, matlab (Often). C++ and Fortran (seldomly).
\item[Courses] Attended 5 days NetApp course, 5 days RHCE Rapid Track Course.
\item[Certifications] Red Hat Certified Technician.
\item[Open source projetcs] Co-author and owner of the python based open
source project Sinthgunt. An easy python/GTK frontend to ffmpeg using more
than 100 pre-configured conversion settings. Included in the repositories
of various Linux distributions.\\ \url{http://code.google.com/p/sinthgunt/}
\section{\mysidestyle Language skills}
My mother tongue is Danish, but almost everything I write is in English both in
connection to computers in general on my blog \url{www.tjansson.dk} and in
scientific work. \textbf{Danish}: Native tongue. \textbf{English}: Fluent.
\textbf{German}: High-school level.