I have been reading the quite excellent free magazine called Full Circle Magazine since it started. It is oriented towards Ubuntu users and covers software reviews and introductory tutorials on programming.
In the back of the magazine there is a section called “My desktop” and for some reason I couldn’t resist the opportunity to mail my desktop to the editors. In this edition 21 my desktop was shown. I hope this will increase the use of gkrellm and yakuake throughout the community as these are my favorite programs. 🙂
Description of yakuake
It is easy to clutter a desktop with lots of terminal windows when working with Linux on different machines. To solve this problem I use yakuake which is a dropdown console like the one found in the game Quake. Whenever I need a shell I press F12 and yakuake drops down from the top of the screen. Just as the normal konsole yakuake supports tabs (Shift-Ctrl-n creates a new tab) so only one instance of yakuake is needed.

Description of gkrellm
I like to monitor a couple of linux servers and I really enjoy the gkrellm as it gives me a visual presentation of the cpu, disk and net load on the different servers. It is a bit James Bond sixties like but it really makes sense – with a glance I can see if there is any problems on any of the machines. Life feels empty without this program. Invisble theme is my favorite theme for gkrellm. gkrellmtop shows the 3 most cpu intensive processes. Download and put it in the folder /home/tjansson/.gkrellm2/plugins/.

I dont know if yakuake runs in gnome but there are similar applications designed for gnome: Tilda and Guake
[Tilda homepage is down]
Hi Thomas Jansson, can I know how to set gkrellm layout just like it’s shown in the picture.
I have written the instructions just next to the picture. You just have to install the invisible theme and if this is something you want to use. Additionally I am running it on some servers in that 8 years old screenshot