In the period 22-31 July I attended the Summer School Alpbach 2008 in Alpbach/Tyrol – Austria. The summer school had the subject Sample Return from Moon, Asteroids and Comets, see
The town of Alpbach is everything I expected a small Tyrolean town to be. Filled with wooden houses, beautiful mountains and inhabitants in lederhosen.
The view from my window.
The pension I lived was nice even though I didn’t spend much time there.
Just outside my window on the pension Achensee.
The program was rather ambitious and we worked from 9:00 in the morning to 24:00 the first week followed by a nice hike on the Saturday and a second week with a even more intense working schedule with days ending at 02:00-03:00.
The engineering team hard at work.
A really need rest in the middle of the day was the lunch where Stine from my University and I went to eat some authentic Austrian food as Knödel, Spätzel and Grötsel.
Stine and I.
On the Saturday almost all the students join in a hike to the mountains. It was really nice but also quite exhausting since I hadn’t used my foot three week at that time due to a infection in the foot.
Walking for the top.
At the top.
Down from the mountain.
A bit heated but happy.
For those thinking of attending the summer school I can highly recommend it but it should be pointed out that these images of mountains only represented a very little part of the experience since almost all my memories are about sitting in a class room and working on a return sample mission.
The middle of a meeting.
The ending of a meeting.
The end of a long day.
Surprisingly our team won the competition with our mission on called International team – Return of cometary key samples or I. T. – R. O. C. K. S.
The red team.
Finally we told that that the Nobel price winner Erwin Schrödinger was buried in Alpbach and during the party the last night we found the grave and made some pictures.
Stine in front of Erwin Schrödingers grave.
My self in front of Erwin Schrödingers grave.
I created some panorama pictures as well

Alpbach downtown. Click for bigger version.

The church in the center of town. Click for bigger version.

The view from my window. Click for bigger version.

Walking down the mountain. Click for bigger version.
I took some 90 images and the rest can be seen here – “2008 – Alpbach”.
Hejsan, hejsan grabben!
Woaaahh! Du har det bare med at sende de flotteste naturbilleder – og tak for dem også!
Det er næsten, som om man kan høre tonerne fra Thomas von Trapp i spring over bakketoppene! Jeg ville gerne have imponeret dig med lign. flotte billeder fra min store sommertur til det eksotiske Hven, men det eneste jeg kan prale med er, at jeg har fundet ud af, at øens navn vist nok har tre og ikke to stavemåder: “Ven”, “Hven” og……”Gaaab”! Og så skal jeg ellers hilse dig fra din broder i ånden, Tycho, der (som alle andre!) havde lukket biksen, da jeg var der, og sige at det er et virkelig godt sted til fordybning og eksamenslæsning med absolut intet, intet på deres jord, der kan forstyrre – udover et stort udvalg i whiskybaren ved destilleriet. Og SÅ sku’ der vist ellers være mulighed for at se mange nye spændende stjerner og planeter på firmamentet efter fordybelsen dér!?!
Det er vist hurtigst at tage hjemturen med vandcykel via Mælkevejen – bare styr mod Whiskybæltet, så er du ved at være hjemme!
Lyder jeg bare en kende misundelig efter at have nydt dine dejlige billeder?? JA! Og jeg glæder mig til at se og høre mere om turen, og det er rart at vide, at du har det godt igen med bagbenene!
Jo-de-læ-i-hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii og resten i håret fra Ann ;o)
Isn’t it amzing how the austrians manage to fit all different kinds of food in a spheric shape, the Knödel. You became really good in making these panorama pictures, they are very nice.
Ses i september,
i didn’t know you enjoy visiting graves during the night.